Wednesday12 March 2025

In California, a petition drive has begun advocating for the state's exit from the United States.

California Secretary of State Shirley Weber has approved the initiative to hold a Calexit referendum, which will present voters with the question of California's potential secession from the United States. This information was reported on the Secretary of State's website on January 23rd.
В Калифорнии стартовал сбор подписей для выхода штата из состава США.

The signature collection in support of the initiative has already begun, as noted in the release. If a sufficient number of signatures are gathered, the question of California's exit from the United States will be put to a vote in 2028.

According to the announcement, voters will be asked to respond to the question: "Should California secede from the United States and become an independent state?"

For the proposal to be accepted, at least 50% of registered voters must participate in the election, and at least 55% of those, or over 500,000 people, must vote in favor of the state's independence by July 22.

As stated by the California Secretary of State's office, if the initiative gains support, it will signify a "vote of no confidence in the United States of America" and highlight the desire of the people of California to become an independent state, although it will not change the state government or its relations with the U.S.

According to the report, the Calexit initiative will cost the state a minimum of $10 million, with the functioning of the commission costing $2 million annually.

The secession plan was proposed by political activist Marcus Evans from Fresno, who attempted to achieve the state's separation during the first term of U.S. President Donald Trump back in 2016.