Сотрудники военкоматов не будут штрафовать ограниченно пригодных военнообязанных, которые не успеют пройти ВВК до 5 февраля.

Employees of the staffing and social support centers will not penalize conditionally fit conscripts who fail to undergo the military medical commission (VVC) by February 5.

This was announced by Deputy Head of the President's Office Irina Vereshchuk on Telegram.

Cancellation of the status of "conditionally fit": who and when needs to undergo the VVC againConditionally fit men must undergo a repeat VVC. More details can be found in the infographic.

According to her, this issue was discussed today at a meeting in the President's Office. Representatives from the Ministry of Defense, Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ministry of Health, Medical Forces Command, as well as the head of the relevant parliamentary committee, Alexander Zavitenovich, participated in the meeting.

Among other things, the participants agreed that conditionally fit individuals would not be declared wanted.

Additionally, new deadlines for the repeat medical commission for conditionally fit citizens were established. According to the plan, conscripts will have until June 5.

"I urge the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Health, and other relevant agencies to closely monitor the process of informing people, forming electronic and paper directives, and communicating the corresponding schedules to the military medical commissions, etc.," Vereshchuk wrote.

It is worth noting that under the law, conditionally fit citizens must undergo a repeat VVC within nine months after the law comes into effect – that is, by February 5.

Earlier, the President's Office stated that as of the end of January, more than a million conditionally fit Ukrainians had not yet undergone the necessary medical examinations.

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