Thursday13 March 2025

Poroshenko, as part of the SDPU(o) faction in parliament, condemned "NATO aggression," according to an expert.

In 1999, People's Deputy and future fifth President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, strongly condemned the "aggression of the NATO bloc" during the events in former Yugoslavia. This was noted by political expert Petr Oleshchuk in a Facebook post.
Эксперт утверждает, что Порошенко, будучи членом фракции СДПУ(о) в парламенте, критиковал "агрессию НАТО".

"The SDP(Uo) faction firmly condemns NATO's aggressive actions towards Yugoslavia! The consequences of the ongoing hostilities and the escalation of tensions in the Balkan region are already known: remember the critical developments during World War I and II," – Oleshchuk cited the transcript of Poroshenko's speech at the 32nd session of the Verkhovna Rada, which took place on March 26, 1999. He noted that the speech was delivered in Russian.

Oleksiy Oleksiyovych described Poroshenko's position on NATO support as contradictory, as it has shifted over time to the opposite stance.

"The constant changes in Poroshenko's political position reflect his cynical ability to adapt to the interests of his patrons: under [illegitimate President of the Russian Federation Vladimir] Putin, with whom he negotiated; or [fugitive former President of Ukraine Viktor] Yanukovych, to whom he sought favor in his government, etc. However, in pursuing his own interests, Poroshenko left no room for the interests of the state. After many years, Ukraine will eventually alter its foreign policy vector, distancing itself from Russia. And only Poroshenko will continue to do business with [former MP and head of the President's Administration Viktor] Medvedchuk, trade with the RF, support the Russian Orthodox Church, lobby for citizenship for [former MP and businessman Vadym] Novynskyi, and shake hands with Putin. Meanwhile, the rhetoric regarding NATO will be adjusted by the "hetman" to suit the current situation," – wrote the expert.

Oleksiy Oleksiyovych expressed his curiosity about Poroshenko's true position.

"It is interesting to ponder when Poroshenko was lying: when he claimed that NATO was an enemy of Ukraine, or now, when he shouts that NATO is a guiding force? Although it is not interesting. Because people like him always lie," – concluded the expert.