Saturday08 February 2025

What will the weather be like in Dnipro on January 30?

What weather do meteorologists forecast for the residents of Dnipropetrovsk on January 30?
Какая погода ожидается в Днепре 30 января?

On January 30, cloudy weather is expected in Dnipro and the surrounding region, with no significant precipitation. The wind will be blowing from the southeast at 3-8 m/s, reports "Vіdomo," referencing the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Center for Hydrometeorology.

Throughout the region, fog is possible at night and in the morning, with local occurrences during the day. Visibility in fog will be between 300-500 meters. The danger level is I (yellow).

Thermometers in Dnipro will indicate temperatures of 4-6°C at night and 8-10°C during the day.

In the Dnipropetrovsk region, nighttime temperatures will range from 2-7 degrees Celsius, while daytime temperatures will reach 6-11 degrees Celsius.