Украина, по оценке Economist, могла потерять на войне от 60 до 100 тысяч военных погибшими.

Casualties of the Ukrainian army during the full-scale war may range from 60,000 to 100,000 fatalities. Additionally, around 400,000 military personnel might have sustained injuries.

This estimate is from The Economist and is based on reports from intelligence agencies, officials from the Ministry of Defense, researchers, and intelligence data from open sources.

The defense committee considers the WSJ data on Ukraine's casualties to be exaggeratedRoman Kostenko believes that the WSJ's figure of 80,000 deceased Ukrainian soldiers is inflated.

Data from the Ualosses website has also been taken into account, indicating at least 60,400 confirmed deaths of Ukrainian soldiers.

“The numbers show that more than 0.5% of the pre-war male population of Ukraine of combat age (18-49 years) have been killed. The data on Ukraine's losses is not exhaustive, and not all ages of soldiers are known. The actual share of men killed in the war is higher. The proportion of those who are injured and unable to continue fighting is even greater: if we assume that between six to eight Ukrainian soldiers sustain serious injuries for every one killed in battle, then nearly one in twenty men of combat age has been killed or injured severely enough to not be able to continue fighting,” the publication states.

The publication notes that the casualties of both Ukraine and Russia, in percentage terms relative to their population, are higher than the number of deaths in the Vietnam and Korean wars combined.

It is worth mentioning that the last public announcement of Ukraine's casualties was made in February 2024, when Volodymyr Zelensky stated that there were 31,000 fallen soldiers.

In September, the Wall Street Journal reported that Ukraine may have lost 80,000 people killed and another 400,000 injured. Zelensky stated that the publication's estimates are incorrect.