Российская оккупационная армия начала применять беспилотники, которые несут особую опасность для мирных жителей.

The Russian occupation army has begun using drones that pose a particular threat to civilians.

This was reported by the press service of the State Emergency Service (SES) via Telegram.

The drones in question are of medium size and are specifically targeted at civilian populations. It has been noted that these devices detonate instantly upon contact.

“If you see such an object, do not approach it, do not touch it, and immediately call numbers 101 and 102! Be sure to inform others about the danger to children,” the SES stated.

It is worth mentioning that previously the SES reported that the Russian army is increasingly using RBK-500 cluster munitions against Ukraine, which contain ball-shaped fragmentation bombs.

Additionally, it was reported that two children in the Donetsk region were injured by explosives while walking down the street and encountered a dangerous object.

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