В результате нового обстрела российских войск пострадали жилые дома и мирные жители, которым оказывается медицинская помощь.

As a result of yet another act of terrorism by Russian forces in Odessa, residential buildings have been damaged, and civilians are in need of medical assistance.

This information was reported by the Mayor of Odessa, Gennady Trukhanov.

“Another act of terrorism by the Russians. There are casualties – medical assistance is being provided. Preliminary reports indicate no fatalities. Once again, residential buildings and peaceful people are affected. In one of the destroyed homes, we found a deceased dog. This is who they are warring against,” the reports state.

Emergency services are working on-site, and in the morning, the city headquarters will begin providing assistance to those whose homes were damaged in the attack. Additionally, photographs of the aftermath of the enemy strike are being published.

Recall that on the night of November 10, Russian terrorists once again attacked Odessa and the surrounding area with drones. As a result of the attack, residential buildings, shops, garages, and vehicles were damaged.

Subsequently, the head of the Odessa Regional Military Administration, Oleg Kiper, clarified that as a result of one of the strikes, a woman was killed, while her husband and 16-year-old son are hospitalized in moderate condition.