Сырский сообщил, что в декабре российская армия теряет на Покровском направлении около 400 человек убитыми и ранеными ежедневно.

The Russian army is losing an average of about 400 personnel killed and wounded daily in the Pokrovsk direction during December.

These figures were provided by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi.

He noted that the Pokrovsk direction has remained one of the most challenging for several months. Ukraine is calculating and preparing for all potential scenarios of the enemy's further actions.

“The losses of Russian occupiers in the Pokrovsk direction remain consistently high, particularly in terms of personnel. In December, the enemy is confirmed to be losing around 400 individuals killed and wounded here on average per day,” Syrskyi stated.

It is noteworthy that, according to the National Guard, the occupiers are 6-10 kilometers away from Pokrovsk.

Recall that earlier in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it was reported that due to losses, the enemy decided to change their assault tactics in the Pokrovsk area. President Volodymyr Zelensky noted that in November and December, the Russians faced record losses.

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