Yatsenyuk stated that the Rada must adopt a resolution to hold elections six months after the peace agreement is signed.
The best way to thwart those who aim to destabilize the situation in Ukraine is to adopt a resolution in the Ukrainian parliament regarding the holding of presidential elections six months after the signing of a comprehensive peace agreement. This was stated by Arseniy Yatsenyuk, head of the Kyiv Security Forum (KSF) and Prime Minister of Ukraine from 2014 to 2016, on February 21 during a special KSF event in Kyiv, which was broadcasted on the YouTube channel of the Yatsenyuk Foundation "Open Ukraine."
https://gordonua.com/news/politics/jatsenjuk-verkhovnaja-rada-dolzhna-prinjat-rezoljutsiju-o-vyborakh-cherez-polhoda-posle-vseokhvatyvajushcheho-mirnoho-sohlashenija-1734242.html2025-02-22 09:15:16
It is the Ukrainian parliament that can express the will of the Ukrainian people, as it is the only body, according to the Constitution of Ukraine, that has the authority to set the date for presidential elections, the head of the KFB reminded.
"A parliamentary resolution can clearly define the conditions for holding free and democratic elections. It is quite simple: Ukraine will hold free democratic elections six months after a comprehensive peace agreement is reached. Period," emphasized Yatsenyuk.
In his view, this way the authorities of Ukraine will "provide a trump card" to U.S. President Donald Trump while simultaneously undermining the foundation for those who oppose Ukraine.